
A Bluebird Day on Mount Kineo

On Saturday, March 9th, we headed out toward Mount Kineo. As we drove, I kept marveling at the snowbanks! From Monson northwards, the snowbanks are so high! You can only see the top few inches of many of the road signs. A few were completely buried. The fire hydrants have Read more…

By Magoo, ago

Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit Ultra

In August, Frosty and I took on the Greenville Pinnacle Pursuit Ultra Challenge. The Greenville Pinnacle Pursuit Challenge involves 6 mountain hikes in the Greenville area. Greenville Pinnacle Pursuit Ultra Challenge involves climbing those same 6 hikes, but in a continuous 48 hour time span. Frosty and I had completed Read more…

By Magoo, ago