Blue Lobster Press - A Laugh and Learn Publisher Go to Giggle, Giggle, Snicker, Laugh! Home Page

Select poems from the box below to read the funny poems that have been thrown into the Giggle Pit. These are the poems that did not have enough votes to stay posted on the main page. Be careful, after reading a few of these poems you might find yourself trapped here in the Giggle Pit with fits of laughter. As old poems reach the bottom of the Giggle Pit they decay and disapear. If the poems do not appear when you click on them try this.

Send an e-mail to Robert Pottle at

Robert Pottle owns the copyright to all of the poems at Giggle, Giggle, Snicker, Laugh!

If you would like to share anything on this page you may share the URL.

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Blue Lobster Press and Giggle, Giggle, Snicker, Laugh! respect your on-line privacy. In short, any information that we may gather from your visit here today, will not be shared or sold to any third party. We do respond to e-mails sent to us, and we do read the standard information left on the data log. Again, any information from your visit today will not be shared or sold to any third party.

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